Thursday, March 28, 2013

The future

With the AP test quickly approaching, I think that I am fairly prepared for it. We have written so many essays and done so many multiple choice practices that I should be ready. I am really happy that I decided to take this class because it has given me a stronger work ethic and it has prepared me for the work load that I expect college to give me. I hope that the AP test won't be too difficult and that I go into it prepared. I would really like to get this credit out of the way because I don't plan on majoring in English and I would get the required English class credit. Along with this AP test, I am also taking the AP Calculus test. The two tests are back to back within two days. I'm happy hat I will get them over with, but I expect that week to be a little stressful. I am happy that school is almost over with and I can't wait to move on with my life. I feel like most people get to a point where they just feel ready to move on and I am defiantly at that point right now. I am excited for graduation and summer vacation. I plan on going back to a Young Life camp to serve on work crew again and I could not be more excited. High school has taught me a lot and I think that I have grown a lot. I am excited to start with a fresh slate next year and to meet many new people.

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