Thursday, March 7, 2013


My new outside reading book is "Into the Wild". It is about this man who goes by the name Alex. He graduated from college and came from a wealthy family, but he was very unsatisfied with his life. He ditched his life and belongings one day and set out for the west. He lived a lifestyle of adventure and curiosity. He lived off nature and whatever people offered along the way. He stretched his journey from Houston to California. His mindset along the way was very unique because he believed that in order to experience happiness and inner peace you have to abandon the commercial lifestyle that most people live. I think his lifestyle was very extreme, but to some extent you have to give up things that are holding you back from experience life to the fullest. I think an easy thing to give up would just be spending so much time on your phone or glued to a screen. There's so many beautiful things in the world and I think a lot of people miss them because they are preoccupied. Alex just didn't give up his phone, he gave up his car, family, and life savings to see the true beauty in the world which was the landscape surrounding him.

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