Thursday, March 14, 2013

Poetry Blues

Whenever I think of poetry I think of long boring passages or poems about something really random. Poetry has never really struck a chord with me because I don't really understand most poetry. I like the romantic side of poetry, but the literary side sounds like a chore. Reading 6-8 poems a night seems very daunting. It takes a while for the meaning behind a poem to register, so hopefully I will get better at analyzing poems. Poetry seems like it is very broad because I think of it as either being old and long or short and blatantly obvious. I didn't realize that poetry could just be a few lines of anything you want it to be. I always thought that poems have to follow a strict pattern and rhyme scheme but apparently that is not the case. I like that poetry can be beautiful when it is written in a simple way. I think that my writing skills are even worse than my writing skills. I want to get better at analyzing why the author chose the words they chose an why that is important. I want to learn the different type of rhyme patterns and what purpose they accomplish.

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