Thursday, February 28, 2013

Denver's Change

I was pleasantly surprised when I read the end if Beloved. I was surprised by the power and strength Denver gained. I didn't expect the girl who acted like a child and threw fits to mature into a lady that took matters into her own hands. I think it was caused by her mom growing sick and Beloved growing overpowering. I think when people are placed in hard situations they are left with no other choice but to grow up and deal with it. Denver was forced to face the people that shunned her and her family. That took a lot of courage to stand up for her family and deal with the consequences of her mother's mistakes. I can only imagine the fear Denver felt to go ask for help and for a job. Denver transformed into an adult and her actions spoke much louder than any words that she has spoke. Denver surprised me in a good way. I was happy to find out that someone in that house finally grew up and took action for what was haunting them. It was refreshing to see Denver change her attitude about her life and her family.

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