Thursday, February 7, 2013


Beloved is a very interesting book to read. I think that the topic is very strong and it is written with a lot of passion, but I just have a really hard time connecting with the characters and the plot. I find the whole thing with the ghost baby strange. I also find that Denver acts really strange for her age. I guess Denver acts this way because she has been isolated so long from society. I have know idea when there is flashbacks or when it is just normal present tense. I find the language hard to understand because it is written like a poem and I don't really get poems. I cannot connect with Denver even though we are the same age because I think she is too closed off. It took her a while to accept Paul D. and I find that strange because he provides her mom with happiness. Usually when someone close to you is happy, you become happy just because they are happy. I don't know when this story will connect to the newspaper article, but I know it has some connection. I really enjoyed The Road compared to this story because even though it was full of literary connections, they made sense and made the story full of depth.

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