Thursday, February 14, 2013

My Future

It's really strange to think about the future. I spend a lot of time daydreaming about what my life will look like 5 or 10 years from now. I have come to the conclusion that right now, I have the ability to take literally any path in life. I could become a doctor, a lawyer, or a politician. I have the power to control what my life will be like, to some extent. Right now I can choose what school to go to, what to major in, and how much time I invest in studying. It's exhilarating and terrifying all at the same time. I can choose to take the easy path or to take the hard path. I can choose who I hang out with and who I invest my love in. It's all my choice and it's all up to me. I think it's great to have a set path in life and most people have that, but I find it much more interesting to live on the edge, so to say. Many high school students have everything through college planned out, like what sorority they want to be in, what they want to major in, what state they will be living in, and who they will associate themselves with. Personally, I think that this closes them off from discovering who they want to be later in life. I think that the first year of college should all be about finding who you are. If you go into college, or any situation with it all mapped out, you may not make the mistakes or fortunes that shape you and make you who you are. I think that I will go into college with an open mind and open heart to soak up anything, good or bad, that comes my way.

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