Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Homestretch

For my group we got assigned the Modern American time period from 1890 to 1950. I am researching the historical events during the time period along with art, philosophical beliefs, and major events. It is like having a review from AP US History. I really enjoy recapping the past events. I think a difficult part of my section will be to connect it back to the the poets and their writing styles. The other Lauren in our class found a great book that covers many poets and their major works. At this point in the semester I am feeling extremely overwhelmed and rushed. I know where I am going to college (UK) and I would really like to just move on from this chapter in my life. I am very excited to start off with a fresh slate and meet many new people next year. I want to move on from Dunbar and enjoy these last few major events while I am still in high school. I want to finish his year already and enjoy my last summer by relaxing. I feel as if school is in the last "homestretch" and graduation could not come sooner.

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