Thursday, May 2, 2013

Poetry Project

The poetry projects went better than I thought they would go. Just because I am in my group, I am subjective when I say this, but I really thought that Kim's song for the make it memorable part was the best in the class. It was really cool how she managed to make a Robert Frost poem modern and sing it to a tune that many people recognize. I also believe that it was the most entertaining and out of all the groups, ours was the most memorable. I did enjoy all the sweets that people brought in and there were also some really creative groups that thought if ideas that were unique. The make it memorable part was the only part of the project that really stood out to me. To be honest I couldn't tell you any group's except my own style of the time period or poets. It's not that I wasn't paying attention, it's because of the quantity of information that I was given. They were very informative and covered the information really well, it's just that they were kinda boring at times. To improve on the project if you were to do it next year, I would focus on a specific time period or movement and then break that up. It was just too much presented at one time and therefore the quality of attention was not given that was deserved. I surprisingly liked the make it memorable part the most, so I would definitely keep that. It was surprising to me that I liked it because I thought that it would be a pain to come up with an idea, but in actuality, it was pretty simple.

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