Thursday, November 1, 2012

Salem Play

My first impression of the Salem play was that it was great. It was an interesting take on the story line of the Salem trials. It brought many social issues to the surface dealing with prejudices and discrimination. I feel like these issues need to be discussed and they are not exposed in the way they should be. The whole aspect of the puppets was very confusing. It allowed the characters to do certain scenes that they normally wouldn't be able to do. I was so interested in how the puppet costumes matched the actor's costumes so well! After the play was over, a student asked how they managed to work the puppets. I was surprised how difficult it was to control the mouths and keep them raised away from their bodies. I think the play may have been better without the puppets just because I found them very distracting. The whole story line was cliche and it has been done before, although it was interesting how there was a flashback in time. It was humorous at times and I really enjoyed those moments. I wish that it could have been longer and that way the end wouldn't end so abruptly. It felt rushed in a way. The set props were really cool and unique. The lights were supreme (good job Kim!!!!). Overall, I really enjoyed the play and I cannot wait to see what else the drama department produces this upcoming year!

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