Thursday, November 29, 2012


I thought the class period that we discussed satire was very interesting. I didn't realize that it had a deeper meaning. Satire can be used to bring an issue to the table. In the speech that we read, I had a hard time telling which type of satire was which. It was full of statements that were sarcastic and ironic. It was effective in evoking a clear message. It was interesting that such a message of freedom and growing up could be displayed through satire. I think that satire is used more often than expected. I really enjoyed coming up with the headlines in class because it showed the practical use if satire. It can be used in the wrong way though. If specific names are mentioned or hurtful subjects discussed, satire can cause a lot if damage. Just like in writing, when using satire it is important to keep in mind the audience. It was a nice change from the normal literature that this class focuses on and I really enjoyed the headline that Mr. Mullins came up with. I thought it was interesting how The Clockwork Orange uses satire but in a completely different way. It is very serious and it is used to make the reader challenge their thoughts. From what I've heard, satire is effective in that novel. I enjoyed this lesson a lot!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

The Dark White Tiger

The main character in The White Tiger is Balram. He grew up in a village of darkness. There was no escaping the darkness, those born into darkness and those born into the light pretty much stayed there. The dark side of India consists of the poverty stricken and slum villages where government regulations and codes are thrown out the window. Then there is the lightness, where the rich are served by members of the dark and money is the least of their worries. Balram made his way to the light by cheating, lying, killing, and stealing. I wonder if it is even worth it to live in the light. Is it worth sacrificing family, your morals, your dignity, or your life to live like those in the light? I don't think so. In the novel, it seemed that those people living in the light were full of darkness. They could not see happiness in any situation and they consumed themselves with material things to numb the pain of their sad lives. In this story, I believe that everyone lived in darkness. And I believe that to be true for most people today. The poor strive to be rich and the rich strive to be content. It is a constant struggle that is just exhausting. What is the point of it all? I really love that Balram made a change in his life. I believe that hard work and dedication can defeat anything. The only problem with his success story is how he got there.

Thursday, November 8, 2012


Freshman year I read Romeo and Juliet and I really enjoyed it. Sophomore year I read Julius Caesar and I also really enjoyed it. I'm surprised that I liked these because it is Shakespeare. Most students and people in general turn away from Shakespeare because of the specific language he used. I’ll admit it, I have no idea what he is talking about half the time, but I get the jist of it. Spark notes helps a ton in the general understanding of the plot so I am very fortunate that I have that resource. To be honest, I don't really know anything going into reading Hamlet, besides that Shakespeare wrote it and "To be or not to be" is a famous quote from it. I have loved the story lines that Shakespeare presented in the past two plays that I have read, so I'm hoping that this is another interesting one. I hope that I can understand what is going on and that I get used to reading in this unique language. I was interested in the fact that this is in Mr. Mullin's top five list of important literature, so it must be very good. I know that it is a tragedy and someone dies, but I hope that the other details are kept a secret until I read them. I'm excited to learn about Hamlet and hopefully it is all, and more than what it is hyped up to be.

Thursday, November 1, 2012

Salem Play

My first impression of the Salem play was that it was great. It was an interesting take on the story line of the Salem trials. It brought many social issues to the surface dealing with prejudices and discrimination. I feel like these issues need to be discussed and they are not exposed in the way they should be. The whole aspect of the puppets was very confusing. It allowed the characters to do certain scenes that they normally wouldn't be able to do. I was so interested in how the puppet costumes matched the actor's costumes so well! After the play was over, a student asked how they managed to work the puppets. I was surprised how difficult it was to control the mouths and keep them raised away from their bodies. I think the play may have been better without the puppets just because I found them very distracting. The whole story line was cliche and it has been done before, although it was interesting how there was a flashback in time. It was humorous at times and I really enjoyed those moments. I wish that it could have been longer and that way the end wouldn't end so abruptly. It felt rushed in a way. The set props were really cool and unique. The lights were supreme (good job Kim!!!!). Overall, I really enjoyed the play and I cannot wait to see what else the drama department produces this upcoming year!