Thursday, October 25, 2012

Oedipus Rex: Fate v. Free Will


In the group discussions today in class, I saw a lot of new perspectives on certain topics that I didn't see beforehand. A large issue that my group discussed was whether Oedipus was driven by fate or free will. Oedipus met his father at a three way street and killed him and a few others. I believe this was driven by free will. He was angry and his frustration led him to murder by choice. That is something that humans have control of. We consciously decide to kill someone or not. I do believe that it was fate that brought the two of them together at that specific time and place. They were each Kings of cities and it would have been difficult for them to run into each other by free will. I think today that people are driven by both fate and free will. We consciously make decisions but I believe that sometimes fate leads us to those decisions. Oedipus was lead to his father, but makes the choice out of free will to kill him. I think that it was fates that lead him to solve the riddle and become the new King. But, it was free will that he slept with his mother. That is a choice one person makes and has control over. Ultimately, fates lead him to the specific destinations, but it was free will that created the end results.

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Fear of Thesis Statements

Hmmmm, where to start with thesis statements. I have a fear of writing thesis statements and I have no idea why. I guess I feel a pressure like what Mr. Mullins was talking about to summarize every aspect of the story into one short and concise  When I go to write a thesis statement, I have a hard time focusing on the central idea and coming up with everything else. I have a hard time putting my thoughts into words and making it sound intellectual and right. I envy those people who can whip up a theme or thesis statement out of what it seems to be thin air. I guess I never really learned how to write a thesis statement the correct way. I was taught a so called formula where you just plug in the theme and supporting details. So when Mr. Mullins told the class that there was a better way to write one, I was, and still am quite confused. I also have the problem of relying on the prompt too much. I need to learn how to incorporate my own vocabulary and ideas into my thesis statement. I am glad I took this class because I really need to learn how to write a strong thesis before college. Hopefully I can get better at it. I think people have such a difficult time with it because it is the main part of the paper and you base everything off of that one statement. If you have a bad thesis, you will have a bad paper. Also, I feel like it is really hard to include all the important points of the story in one sentence. Lets hope I can overcome my fear and write some strong thesis statements soon!

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Electronic Textbooks

My view on electronic textbooks is that I think they are awesome! How convenient would it be to pull up all the textbooks you need on one device? No more heavy backpacks or strained backs! I love that the article mentioned how this new electronic network would offer help and have make up work available. It would be so easy to make up a quiz electronically and thus not fall behind in the class. There are a few problems with this transition. Every student would need a laptop or tablet and for some school districts that would not be practical. Every school district doesn't have the funds available to provide each student with a laptop. Also, just like music, textbooks could be copied. This new network could possibly rob current textbook companies that make their money from printing textbooks. I think the positives outweigh the negatives and I am excited to see the future of he textbook world. Even though this is my last year of highschool, textbooks are still used in college. And in college textbooks are very expensive, so hopefully if this electronic textbook network is set up, it will lower the cost of textbooks. I think it is important for the United States to keep up South Korea electronically. If books are electronic, hopefully more students will have the opportunity to have textbooks and learn. Because South Korea is so advanced academically, maybe this electronic kick can boost the United States up to South Korea's standards. A cool aspect that electronic textbooks would offer would be the live streaming network that could offer help. There have been times where I have been stuck on a math problem and I wish I could ask a specific question and have an answer instead of going in early for help the next morning. I think that this would be so helpful for students and this would open so many doors and really improve the education system. I agree with Mr. Mullins that novels would be quite difficult to read electronically. I have a kindle and I have read quite a few novels on oit, but I don't mind it because it is an opaque screen and it doesn't have a touch screen. Overall, I really hope that this plan is carried through by 2015 so that the textbook world would become more efficient.

Thursday, October 4, 2012

Senior Year

Going into senior year, I was expecting the light homework load and carefree life that senior year usually brings. Well, to say the least, it hasn't been all that easy. I only have three classes and a peer tutor. The other four blocks I am doing community service at Clays Mill elementary school. It has been really nice to see my past teachers and it's really weird to be on the other side of things. I help out in the art room so I see third and first graders. My boss or site leader is very nice, I lucked out in that area. It's nice to be treated as an adult there and to be respected. On top of my few classes, college is stressing me out big time. Not to mention the ACT. To say the least, I will be very happy when all these events pass over. I am at the point in my life where I just want to start a new chapter of my life and high school is holding me back. I know I should savor the last year I have as a high school student, but right now it isn't very much fun. Hopefully after registering for college and deciding where I want to go, some of the stress will be lifted off of my shoulders. I have been told, it doesn't get much easier after high school and you have a lot more things to be concerned about, but right now I am just looking forward to a fresh new start.