Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Homestretch

For my group we got assigned the Modern American time period from 1890 to 1950. I am researching the historical events during the time period along with art, philosophical beliefs, and major events. It is like having a review from AP US History. I really enjoy recapping the past events. I think a difficult part of my section will be to connect it back to the the poets and their writing styles. The other Lauren in our class found a great book that covers many poets and their major works. At this point in the semester I am feeling extremely overwhelmed and rushed. I know where I am going to college (UK) and I would really like to just move on from this chapter in my life. I am very excited to start off with a fresh slate and meet many new people next year. I want to move on from Dunbar and enjoy these last few major events while I am still in high school. I want to finish his year already and enjoy my last summer by relaxing. I feel as if school is in the last "homestretch" and graduation could not come sooner.

Thursday, April 11, 2013

Group Project

To be honest, I am really flustered with the idea of doing a group project at this time in the year. I know that I have little say and the project is already decided upon, but I figured that I will give my opinion anyways. This year has been jam packed with assignments, outside reading books, projects, presentations, and vocabulary quizzes. And I get it, I willingly signed up to take this class expecting a lot of work. This project frustrates me because of the topic and the timing. Senior year is meant to be enjoyable and fun. It is the last year to spend with friends and enjoy being young. I have found myself more times than not in my room doing English homework rather than spending time with friends and making memories. The timing is bad because prom is coming up, it is spring semester, and it is due close to the AP exam. I want to be spend time preparing for the AP test and I feel that this project takes away from that time. I guess it won't be too bad when we get started and figure out more details. I like the idea of adding a creative element to the project to make it more exciting and memorable.