Thursday, November 8, 2012


Freshman year I read Romeo and Juliet and I really enjoyed it. Sophomore year I read Julius Caesar and I also really enjoyed it. I'm surprised that I liked these because it is Shakespeare. Most students and people in general turn away from Shakespeare because of the specific language he used. I’ll admit it, I have no idea what he is talking about half the time, but I get the jist of it. Spark notes helps a ton in the general understanding of the plot so I am very fortunate that I have that resource. To be honest, I don't really know anything going into reading Hamlet, besides that Shakespeare wrote it and "To be or not to be" is a famous quote from it. I have loved the story lines that Shakespeare presented in the past two plays that I have read, so I'm hoping that this is another interesting one. I hope that I can understand what is going on and that I get used to reading in this unique language. I was interested in the fact that this is in Mr. Mullin's top five list of important literature, so it must be very good. I know that it is a tragedy and someone dies, but I hope that the other details are kept a secret until I read them. I'm excited to learn about Hamlet and hopefully it is all, and more than what it is hyped up to be.


  1. I didn't know anything about Hamlet before reading it either, but it hasn't been a major challenge for me like I thought it might. It has been pretty interesting. By the way... your picture is hilarious. It cracked me up.

  2. I completely agree with Jake about the picture... it's hilarious! I also think that Sparknotes has helped me comprehend the general concept of the play a lot more as well.
